Jalapeño Pepper

Jalapeño Pepper


Scientific Classification

Capsicum annuum

Heat rating in Scovilles:

2500 – 10000

The Jalapeño pepper, originating in Mexico, is the world’s most popular chile pepper. The jalapeño is a medium-sized chile that is commonly picked and consumed while still green, but if allowed to fully ripen, they turn crimson red.

According to the USDA, starting since 2010, California produces the most Jalapeños in the United States, followed by New Mexico and Texas, for a total of 462.5 million pounds of peppers in 2014.

In 1999, roughly 107 thousand acres in Mexico were dedicated towards growing jalapeños and as of 2011, that number had fallen to 101 thousand acres. Jalapeños account for 30% of Mexico’s chili production, and while acreage has decreased there has been a 1.5% increase in volume yield per year in Mexico due to increasing irrigation, usage of greenhouses, better equipment, knowledge, and improved techniques.

The Chile Pepper Institute is known for developing several jalapeño variations, such as the Purple Jalapeño, NuMex Jalapeño Pumpkin Spice, NuMex Jalapeño Lemon Spice, NuMex Jalapeño Orange Spice, NuMex Jalmundo, NuMex Vaquero, NuMex Primavera and NuMex Piñata.

FUN FACTS: Chipotle Peppers are red ripe smoked jalapeños. There are actually two types of chipotle chiles – “Morita” and “Meco”. Both the Morita Chipotle and the Meco Chipotle are smoked red ripe jalapeños. Morita chile peppers are smoked for less time than the Chipotle Meco, leaving them softer and retaining their modest fruity flavor. The Morita is the most common Chipotle in the United States.

Jalapeño chicos are jalapeños that are smoked while still green. Capones are rare smoked red jalapeños without seeds; the term means “castrated ones.” They are quite expensive and are rarely exported.

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